Public Scholarship

Das, R. J. 2024. ‘Intellectual and political lessons of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ for our time’. Monthly Review Online.

Das, R. J. 2024. ‘On the Conditions of Workers and Peasants in India: What is to be done today?’ Countercurents.

Das, R. J. 2023. ‘On the worker-peasant alliance in India (and other countries of the Global South)’. Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2023. ‘How to think and write theoretically and critically about society’. Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2022. ‘Theory and class struggle: A dialectical approach’. Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2022. August 9. Interview on class theory with Daniel Tutt.

Das, R. J. 2021. ‘The weapon of criticism cannot replace the criticism of the weapon’, International Journal of Socialist Renewal (republished in Monthly Review Online, June 2021).

Das, R. J. 2020. “Four components of Marxism.” International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2020. "Human suffering during the pandemic and the need for a new society.” Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Its condensed version, “The pandemic and the need for a new society,” is published in The Bullet.

Das, R. J. 2020. “The social power of money and the neoliberal capitalist model of development.” Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2020. “The Marginalization of Marxism in Academia.” Monthly Review Online.

Das, R. J. 2020. ‘What Questions Must Students Ask Their Educators, and Why?The Bullet.

Das, R. J. 2020. “Capitalist Political Economy, Fascistic Tendencies, and Left Politics in India.Marxist Sociology blog: Theory, Research, Politics.

Das, R. J. 2020. “The Fascistic Turn in the World’s Largest Democracy—Part 1.” Left Voice (A socialist magazine published in New York)

Das, R. J. 2020. “The Fascistic Turn in the World’s Largest Democracy—Part 2.” Left Voice.

Das, R. J. 2019. “Revolutionary Theory, Academia and Marxist Political Parties.” Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2018. “A Marxist Perspective on Sustainability: Brief Reflections on Ecological Sustainability and Social Inequality.Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. 2018. “The Age of Unreason or Misology: The Knowledge-practice Relation and its Political Significance.Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Das, R. J. and Fasenfest, D. 2018. “Marx and the Global South.” Global Dialogue: Magazine of International Sociological Association.

Das, R. J. 2018. “What is class struggle today?State of Nature.

Das, R. J. 2018. “Fascistic Politics in India, the Left, and Lenin’s Theory of Temporary Compromise.” Sanhati (an online non-academic journal from India)

Das, R. J. 2016. “The On-going Attack on Democracy and Secularism (in India): What is to be Done?Bullet.

Das, R. J. 2014. “India in Crisis.” Canadian Dimension, 48(2): 46–49.

Das, R. J. 2014. “The Hindu Right's Model of Development: A Marxist Critique.”
(This is a longer version of the piece in The Statesman, one of India’s national English language newspapers).

Das, R. J. 2014. “The Modi Model: Exaggerated Claims about the Hindu-Right Paradigm.” The Statesman (an English-language newspaper from India), April 27.

Das, R. J. 2013. “The market for education, civil servants and the India state.” Sanhati.

Das, R. J. 2013. “Farmer suicides in India.” Upstream Journal: Canada’s Magazine of human rights and justice, Spring Issue.

Das, R. J. 2013. “The social location of industrial disasters: West, Texas in a wider perspective.” An invited contribution to an Antipode symposium on ‘explosive geographies’.

Das, R. J. 2012. “Dirty Picture of Neoliberalism.” Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Also:

Das, R. J. 2012. “Academia as a site of class struggle.” Radical Notes, July.

Das, R. J. 2012. “Thinking/writing Theoretically.” Radical Notes, December.

Das, R. J. 2012. “Why Must Social Science be Critical, and why Must Doing Social Science be Difficult?Radical Notes, November.

Das, R. J. 2011. “Imperialism and the endless war: military attack on Libya.” Radical Notes, March.

Das, R. J. 2011. “Industrialisation and forms of struggle: or, should industrialisation be opposed?Radical Notes, November.

Das, R. J. 2011. “The World is Facing a Triple Crisis: What is (not) to be Done?Sanhati: Fighting Neoliberalism.

Das, R. J. 2011. “Significance of a counter-hegemonic culture.” Radical Notes, November.

Das, R. J. 2011. “What kind of education for what kind of society?Radical Notes, July

Das, R.J. 2010. “Communalism, Business Houses, Citizenship and Gujurate.” Radical Notes, November. (Also reproduced in Socialist Project Review, Toronto).

Das, R.J. 2009. “What’s the Left to do in India?Socialist Project Review, 26 (April-June): 58–60. (This is republished in Europe Solidaire sans Frontiѐres)