Research Projects

Photograph by R. Das. Used in chapter 6 of his "Critical Reflections on economy and politics in India."


On the theory of dispossession

2022-2023 | A grant from York Small Research Grant fund ($5000) for completion of a book manuscript on dispossession

On Neoliberal industrialization, the City-Region, and Uneven Development in India

2016–21 | Neoliberal industrialization, the rural periphery, and uneven development in India
Collaborators: Deepak Mishra, Mohanakumar, S. and R. B. Singh
Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2014–15 | Geographically Uneven Development in an Under-developed State of India: A Study of Odisha
Collaborator: Collaborator: Deepak Mishra
Funder: Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

On new agriculture and its implications for rural labour, environment and food security in India

2006–10 | New Agriculture and its Implications for Rural Labour, Environment and Food Security in India
Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

On social capital, political empowerment and poverty of the working class communities in India

2001–03 | Social Capital, Political Empowerment and Poverty of the Working Class Communities in India
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom 

On the state and poverty alleviation

1998–99 | The State of Poverty Alleviation
Funder: British Academy; Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland; Research Initiatives Fund, University of Dundee

On the state, capitalism and uneven development

1992–93 | Graduate Alumni Fellowship
Funder: The Ohio State University

1991–92 | Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
Funder: National Science Foundation of the United States